вторник, 11 октября 2011 г.

Companies with Kentucky ties make Fortune list - Business First of Louisville:

The list is based on the publication's evaluation of the policiess and culture of each company and the opinionx ofthe company's own Two-thirds of the total score is basedf on employee responses to a surveyy created by the Great Place to Work Institute in San The survey asked about thinga such as attitudes toward job satisfaction and At No. 39 on the list is Ohio-based , which operates a facilitu in Scottsville, Ky., that employss 277 workers. What makes working therse great? "Smucker brothers Tim and Richardencourage face-to-facee communication to preserve a unique culture," Fortune At No. 55 is Midland, Mich.-based , whichj employs 396 workers in Ky.
"Women excel at this specialty-chemical holding 45 percent of top executive slots and 26 percenty ofmanagerial positions, including CIO Abbe Mulders and CEO Stephaniee Burns," Fortune said. , Iowa-basedf door and window maker Pella, No. 59 on the employs 936 workersin Murray, Ky. "Nearly 1,2090 employees have more than 20 yearzsof service," Fortune said. At No. 78 is Stratham, N.H.-base , which employs 134 workers in Danville, Ky. "Workers are encouragede to give back at All staff can devote 40 hours per year of paid time off to and now up to 30 employees can spendr two to three weeks a year to help withdisaster relief," Fortune said.

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