Cross also has aided hundreds of sick people over the yearsa inemergency rooms, physician offices and Dayton-are a manufacturing plants. Her patients, though, all have one thing in common: They are Japanesre expatriates whooften can't speak English or don't know enough of the languagde to talk about medica matters. Cross is Good Samaritan Hospital's Japanese relationas coordinator, a job that entails a littlew bitof marketing, translating and diplomacy. The 65-year-olxd Tokyo native is on call 24 hours for most of the year and constantlyy on the move to help a foreigner in distress.
On a typica day, Cross might help a newly arrived Japanesre executive at find a family doctofr or make a marketing presentation ofGood Sam' s health services to engineerws at American Matsushita Electronics Co. On the same day she also might call on an expectant mother who wants to have an ultrasounfd and help a physician explain complex medical procedures toa patient. "jI have such a tremendous sense of fulfillment," Cross said recently from her office at Good Sam.
"o feel so good when I know I did a good deed Cross becameGood Sam's Japanese coordinator in after convincing the hospital's executives there was money to be made from an influzx of Japanese companies opening plants in the region. She had workex at the hospital since five years after immigratingg to the United States with herfirst husband, an Americabn serviceman. In addition to Cross' regional chambers of commerce also encouraged Good Sam to creatwe a health care prograj targetingJapanese people, said Joseph Brywczynski, the hospital's head of strategifc planning and business development.
Chamber officialss thought availability of good health care servicesz would attract more foreign investors tothe region, Brywcynski In fact, Good Sam hired a consultant who did a stud that concluded the hospital coulx create a niche by serving Japanesr companies located along Interstates 75 and 70. Cross' which started out servin a handful ofbig corporations, includin Honda and Matsushita, now serves about 60 other companies in the region. Most of those corporations are Japanese owned or have partnerships with corporatione based in theAsiann country. Last year, for Isuzu Motor America Inc. formed a partnership with General Motors and createdDMAX Ltd.
, a compan that manufactures diesel engines. Isuz brought in several Japanese engineers to install assembly line equipment train local employeeszat DMAX' s plant in Moraine. The company is one of clients. "We didn't have any Japanesre people here when I started doing Cross said. "It was slow in the beginning, but now I am so I have 200 regular patients." Cross helps her regular patients make physicianb appointments and acts astheir interpreter. She has, on occasion, had to accompangy expectant mothers to delivery rooms and guide them throughy Lamaze birthing proceduresin Japanese.
Accordinyg to Cross, Good Samaritan made aboutt $400,000 in revenue last year from her Inrecent years, the hospital and its other affiliateds operated by parent organization Premier Health Partners also have becom e the health providers of choicwe for Japanese employees and their families in the region. Those affiliates includ e the Samaritan North Medical Centetr and MiamiValley Hospital. While the Ketterinhg Medical Center, Premier's biggest rival, has programs and interpretersw that help patientswho don't speaj English, Tomiko's program is the only health care program in the regiomn tailored to serve Japanese expatriates and their families.
For Cross, helpinh Japanese expatriates is more than justa job. Croszs said her earlier experiencein America, after her first husbanx left her only two years afterd arriving in the country, showed her the difficultieds a foreigner might have in accessing health especially if they don'tr know English. "When I moved to this country I didn't know anybody," Cross said. "It was very While Cross has attracted a numbe rof clients, Good Sam has not been able to capitaliz on its unique program as it wouldr have liked, Brywczynski Initially, hospital officials had hoped they woulsd get more patients from large companiesd such as Honda by using the Japanese program s as a stepping But that plan has not workee very well, because most of the decisione about employees' health plans are made he said.
"We ran into problems because a lot of the healt insurance negation and decisiond are not made bylocalp executives," Brywczynski said. Despite its failur e to land the big healty coverage accounts atthe Japanese-owned companies, Cross has helped Good Sam get its foot in the It is only a matter of time beforse the hospital reaps bigger rewards from her efforts, he
воскресенье, 30 октября 2011 г.
пятница, 28 октября 2011 г.
Program pairs students with firms on trade missions - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Up until now, the WTCGP has focused on helping businesses break into foreigj markets and LeBow Collegs on preparing students to work in The two pursuits will combine for the firs time during thetrade mission, which takes place during the school’se spring break March 14-27 and will includwe two faculty members and two WTCGPP employees. The goal is to link the students with at leasf 15 businesses looking to enterthe “The idea is the students will not only see the foreign …They are going to have one-on-on e experience with negotiating,” WTCGP President Joanna Savvidexs said.
“They will know the complete cyclew of starting a new businesxs in another country fromstartg up, to follow up, to closing the The partnership is a win all around, Savvides said. Studentse will get firsthand experience in what it takes to break into aforeign market, while the WTCGP and the businesses it servess get a helping hand in what can be a time-consumingg and challenging process. Plans are to expand the programm to other universities and colleges in the futurw and talks are already unded way withSaint Joseph’s University, she “Nobody has tried Savvides said of the new program. “Thixs is new and I think it’s goinbg to take off.
” George dean of the LeBow Collegeof Business, believes the programk will be successful and will help to set the school’ds programs apart from others. “I think what is unique for Drexel’z LeBow College of Business is the fact that we believein experience-based education,” Tsetsekos “We believe the student needs to experience something in practice [and] this is another way of havint a component based on LeBow requires all full-time MBA programs to have a concentratiobn in international business, which includes a trip by studentds to a developed and developing country, Tsetsekosa said.
The new trads mission/study tour, which they expect to make a permanent part of the MBA buildsupon that, he said. The spring trip is completelyt funded byalumni contributions, with transportation and accommodations covered. Students only pay for incidentales they want to purchasre ontheir own, he said. “Whagt we thought to be of great interesr to our students is to be involved in a trade missiom and learn firsthand what it means for companies to promotee trade abroad and follow thesteps negotiation, understanding the environment, culturalk diversity — enabling trade between two Tsetsekos said.
WTCGP will be holding a seminaf next month and in Novembeer to attract businesses that may be interested in embarkingy on thetrade mission. As businesses sign up they will be assigne d to LeBowMBA students, who will conducf market research for the businesses prior to the trip to determine the opportunitie that exist for them. The research will include analyzinv industries, companies and identifying competitive Tsetsekos said. On the trip, students will sit alongsidd businesses during their scheduled meetingsa with officials andprospectivde clients, and receive support from WTCGP stafrf if needed, Savvides said.
Upon returning, they will help businesses follow-up on possible opportunities, she said. “The hardest thinbg of the trade mission for the especially thesmaller businesses, is the The students will be greay help in the follow-up,” Savvides said. “Manty times [businesses] come back to a pile of work and they miss opportunitied becausethey didn’t follow-up quickly.” Upon their return, student s will also be requirede to write a reflection reportr detailing their experience, which becomes part of their portfoliop to display to future employers, Tsetsekos Another added benefit might be networking opportunities or contactd generated during the he said.
Hong Kong and Malaysia were chosen this year to keepwith LeBow’ws goal of giving students practical experience in both a develope d and developing country, Tsetseko s said. “This gives a very wonderful contrastto students. They will not alwayws be dealing with adeveloped environment,” Tsetsekos LeBow will work with the WTCGP to put together trade missions to other countries in the future, he said. Hungary, China, England, Finland and Swedenb are among the countries visited as partof LeBow’x MBA coursework in the past. “We are open to any Savvides said of plans to expand the programk to other collegesand universities.
“We hope to recruit as many businessesas possible.”
Up until now, the WTCGP has focused on helping businesses break into foreigj markets and LeBow Collegs on preparing students to work in The two pursuits will combine for the firs time during thetrade mission, which takes place during the school’se spring break March 14-27 and will includwe two faculty members and two WTCGPP employees. The goal is to link the students with at leasf 15 businesses looking to enterthe “The idea is the students will not only see the foreign …They are going to have one-on-on e experience with negotiating,” WTCGP President Joanna Savvidexs said.
“They will know the complete cyclew of starting a new businesxs in another country fromstartg up, to follow up, to closing the The partnership is a win all around, Savvides said. Studentse will get firsthand experience in what it takes to break into aforeign market, while the WTCGP and the businesses it servess get a helping hand in what can be a time-consumingg and challenging process. Plans are to expand the programm to other universities and colleges in the futurw and talks are already unded way withSaint Joseph’s University, she “Nobody has tried Savvides said of the new program. “Thixs is new and I think it’s goinbg to take off.
” George dean of the LeBow Collegeof Business, believes the programk will be successful and will help to set the school’ds programs apart from others. “I think what is unique for Drexel’z LeBow College of Business is the fact that we believein experience-based education,” Tsetsekos “We believe the student needs to experience something in practice [and] this is another way of havint a component based on LeBow requires all full-time MBA programs to have a concentratiobn in international business, which includes a trip by studentds to a developed and developing country, Tsetsekosa said.
The new trads mission/study tour, which they expect to make a permanent part of the MBA buildsupon that, he said. The spring trip is completelyt funded byalumni contributions, with transportation and accommodations covered. Students only pay for incidentales they want to purchasre ontheir own, he said. “Whagt we thought to be of great interesr to our students is to be involved in a trade missiom and learn firsthand what it means for companies to promotee trade abroad and follow thesteps negotiation, understanding the environment, culturalk diversity — enabling trade between two Tsetsekos said.
WTCGP will be holding a seminaf next month and in Novembeer to attract businesses that may be interested in embarkingy on thetrade mission. As businesses sign up they will be assigne d to LeBowMBA students, who will conducf market research for the businesses prior to the trip to determine the opportunitie that exist for them. The research will include analyzinv industries, companies and identifying competitive Tsetsekos said. On the trip, students will sit alongsidd businesses during their scheduled meetingsa with officials andprospectivde clients, and receive support from WTCGP stafrf if needed, Savvides said.
Upon returning, they will help businesses follow-up on possible opportunities, she said. “The hardest thinbg of the trade mission for the especially thesmaller businesses, is the The students will be greay help in the follow-up,” Savvides said. “Manty times [businesses] come back to a pile of work and they miss opportunitied becausethey didn’t follow-up quickly.” Upon their return, student s will also be requirede to write a reflection reportr detailing their experience, which becomes part of their portfoliop to display to future employers, Tsetsekos Another added benefit might be networking opportunities or contactd generated during the he said.
Hong Kong and Malaysia were chosen this year to keepwith LeBow’ws goal of giving students practical experience in both a develope d and developing country, Tsetseko s said. “This gives a very wonderful contrastto students. They will not alwayws be dealing with adeveloped environment,” Tsetsekos LeBow will work with the WTCGP to put together trade missions to other countries in the future, he said. Hungary, China, England, Finland and Swedenb are among the countries visited as partof LeBow’x MBA coursework in the past. “We are open to any Savvides said of plans to expand the programk to other collegesand universities.
“We hope to recruit as many businessesas possible.”
среда, 26 октября 2011 г.
Greensboro to host 2012 ACC baseball title - Baltimore Business Journal:
The ACC previously awarded the tournamentto BB& T Coastal Stadium in Myrtle Beach, S.C., from 2011 to 2013. The commissionet cited unresolved disputes regarding the confederatw flag as the reason forthe relocation. the NAACP openly criticized the ACC’s decision to hold the tournamenft in a state where the flag is flown on the grounds of theState Capitol. The 2011 and 2013 championshipse have been moved to the Durham Bulls Athletic Parkin Durham, which hosted the most recent ACC basebalk tournament two months ago. Greensboro has already been selected to host the 2010 meaning the event will be held in North Carolina for at leasf fiveconsecutive years.
Venues have not yet been awardedxbeyond 2013. In his statement, Swofford said league officials “appreciate both Durham and Greensboro’ws commitment to hosting futurre ACCBaseball Championships,” and referred to the cities’ ballparkse as “first-class facilities.” Baseball Americaq recently rated NewBridge Bank Park the top stadiumj in the South Atlantic League and 8th overall amon g minor league stadiums nationally.
The ACC previously awarded the tournamentto BB& T Coastal Stadium in Myrtle Beach, S.C., from 2011 to 2013. The commissionet cited unresolved disputes regarding the confederatw flag as the reason forthe relocation. the NAACP openly criticized the ACC’s decision to hold the tournamenft in a state where the flag is flown on the grounds of theState Capitol. The 2011 and 2013 championshipse have been moved to the Durham Bulls Athletic Parkin Durham, which hosted the most recent ACC basebalk tournament two months ago. Greensboro has already been selected to host the 2010 meaning the event will be held in North Carolina for at leasf fiveconsecutive years.
Venues have not yet been awardedxbeyond 2013. In his statement, Swofford said league officials “appreciate both Durham and Greensboro’ws commitment to hosting futurre ACCBaseball Championships,” and referred to the cities’ ballparkse as “first-class facilities.” Baseball Americaq recently rated NewBridge Bank Park the top stadiumj in the South Atlantic League and 8th overall amon g minor league stadiums nationally.
понедельник, 24 октября 2011 г.
Voting begins on King Soopers contract offer - Portland Business Journal:
Voting on the five-year offer by memberzs of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7 will continusthrough Wednesday. Union leaders are not making a recommendation to theidr members on thecontract offer, which the uniomn complains would cut pension benefits by an averagw of $100,000 -- a conclusion disputed by management. “It’s a good contractf in a normal economy. It’w a great contract in this King Soopers spokeswoman Diane Mulliga saidlast week. She said roughlgy 65 percent of workers would get raisews underthe company’s proposal. King Soopers is a Colorado unitof Cincinnati-basec (NYSE: KR). Colorado workers for two othefr grocerychains — Calif.
-based (NYSE: SWY) and Boise, Idaho-based (privatelgy held) — continue to negotiate separate deals with thei employers. If King Soopers workers rejectthe chain’x latest proposal, they will continue working without a contract until an agreement is reacherd or a strike is called. Theid contract expired May 9.
Voting on the five-year offer by memberzs of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7 will continusthrough Wednesday. Union leaders are not making a recommendation to theidr members on thecontract offer, which the uniomn complains would cut pension benefits by an averagw of $100,000 -- a conclusion disputed by management. “It’s a good contractf in a normal economy. It’w a great contract in this King Soopers spokeswoman Diane Mulliga saidlast week. She said roughlgy 65 percent of workers would get raisews underthe company’s proposal. King Soopers is a Colorado unitof Cincinnati-basec (NYSE: KR). Colorado workers for two othefr grocerychains — Calif.
-based (NYSE: SWY) and Boise, Idaho-based (privatelgy held) — continue to negotiate separate deals with thei employers. If King Soopers workers rejectthe chain’x latest proposal, they will continue working without a contract until an agreement is reacherd or a strike is called. Theid contract expired May 9.
суббота, 22 октября 2011 г.
Obama: U.S. will take
The federal government plans to inves anadditional $30.1 billion in the Detroit-base company (NYSE: GM), which filed for . This means the governmen will own 60 percent of the company once it emergesfrom bankruptcy, Obama said. “This may give some Americanxs pause,” he said, but it was a bettef alternative than making more loans to a compangy that hasbeen “buried undef a mountain of debt” for years. The president said he has “no interest” in running GM. “The federal government will refraih from exercising its rights as a shareholder in all but the most fundamentacorporate decisions,” Obama said.
“When a difficult decision has to be made on mattersx like where to open a new planyt or what type of new carto make, the new GM, not the Unitee States government, will make that decision. “In short, our goal is to get GM back on its takea hands-off approach and get out The hopes that will be the but it plans to “carefullgy monitor” the decisions made by GM and which is emerging from its government-guides bankruptcy reorganization. “We will expose and fight any counterproductived influenceby government, unions or politicians over decisionzs that should be left to chamber CEO Tom Donohue said.
“And we will continuallh insist that government reduc and eliminate its ownership stake as soonas possible.” Too much governmenrt interference will hurt the automaker’s chances of returning to Donohue said. “The global talent that exists in the automotivse sector must be allowed to do its job and be paid on acompetitivew basis,” he said. “Management must be permitted to make touguh decisions in a competitive global market without political House Minority LeaderJohn Boehner, R-Ohio, said GM’s bankruptcy filinv “may buy some but doesn’t ensure that the company will succeed.
“Thew only thing it makes clear is that the government is firmly in the business of running companies usingtaxpayer dollars,” Boehner said. “Does anyone really believe that politiciansz and bureaucrats in Washington can successfully steer a multinationakl corporation toeconomic vitality? It’s time for the administration to fully explain what the exit strategy is to get the U.S. governmentg out of the boardroom once andfor all.
The federal government plans to inves anadditional $30.1 billion in the Detroit-base company (NYSE: GM), which filed for . This means the governmen will own 60 percent of the company once it emergesfrom bankruptcy, Obama said. “This may give some Americanxs pause,” he said, but it was a bettef alternative than making more loans to a compangy that hasbeen “buried undef a mountain of debt” for years. The president said he has “no interest” in running GM. “The federal government will refraih from exercising its rights as a shareholder in all but the most fundamentacorporate decisions,” Obama said.
“When a difficult decision has to be made on mattersx like where to open a new planyt or what type of new carto make, the new GM, not the Unitee States government, will make that decision. “In short, our goal is to get GM back on its takea hands-off approach and get out The hopes that will be the but it plans to “carefullgy monitor” the decisions made by GM and which is emerging from its government-guides bankruptcy reorganization. “We will expose and fight any counterproductived influenceby government, unions or politicians over decisionzs that should be left to chamber CEO Tom Donohue said.
“And we will continuallh insist that government reduc and eliminate its ownership stake as soonas possible.” Too much governmenrt interference will hurt the automaker’s chances of returning to Donohue said. “The global talent that exists in the automotivse sector must be allowed to do its job and be paid on acompetitivew basis,” he said. “Management must be permitted to make touguh decisions in a competitive global market without political House Minority LeaderJohn Boehner, R-Ohio, said GM’s bankruptcy filinv “may buy some but doesn’t ensure that the company will succeed.
“Thew only thing it makes clear is that the government is firmly in the business of running companies usingtaxpayer dollars,” Boehner said. “Does anyone really believe that politiciansz and bureaucrats in Washington can successfully steer a multinationakl corporation toeconomic vitality? It’s time for the administration to fully explain what the exit strategy is to get the U.S. governmentg out of the boardroom once andfor all.
четверг, 20 октября 2011 г.
End of recession may be in sight - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
percentage points in May to 85, basesd on a 1997 benchmark of 100. The relativee stability in the UO Index over the past threwe months is consistent with a pattern of economic stabilization, but falls short of a turn that woulf conclusively mark the end of the recession, said Tim Duy, director of the Oregobn Economic Forum and a UO adjuncf assistant professor, in a statement. Oregon labor market data continue tobe mixed. Initial jobless claims edged downward slightly, but remaihn at a level that suggests further declines innonfarm payrolls. initial claims remain well below the peak of December as the pace of economic deterioration hasslowed markedly.
Employment services payroll largely temporary helpagencies — fell in May, but, importantly, the rate of declined is slowing, Duy said. Nonfarm payrolls (not includesd in the index) fell by just 100 jobs durinfg May, an abrupt slowing compared to the recent It is difficult to see a substantialo improvement in thejobs picture, however, with initial claimsa remaining at high levels, Duy said. The unemploymenty rate rose to 12.4 percent. Residential housinbg permits continuedto decline, falling to just 627.
The typical seasonall boost in building activity islargely absent, a testament to persisteny weakness in the housing Builders are finding it difficult to competw in an environment of rising foreclosures and tighter underwritinv conditions for home mortgages, Duy said. The Orego n weight-distance tax reversed gains seen thepreviouds month. In contrast, new orders for nondefense nonaircraftcapital goods, adjusted for rose in May to the highest level since Decembet 2008. Despite the low levels, the relativs stability since the beginning of the year is a hopeful sign that the worst declined in business spending arebehind us, Duy U.S.
consumer confidence rose agaimin May, a further indication that consumed spending has stabilized, he added. The Orego n economy likely remained in recessionin May. That said, the pace of deterioration has slowed. The six-month annualized change in the index improves significantly over the pasttwo months, from -11.8 percentf in March to -8 perceng in May. Similar improvement signaled an impendinyg end to the2001 recession, and woul be consistent with the prediction that economic growth woulds firm in the seconc half of 2009. Still, Duy caution is warranted.
The UO Index has not yet turnedx upward, and the six-month change remainw well below rates normally consistentt witheconomic expansions, and more than half of the indes components remain below six-month ago levels. Finally, therwe is a strong possibility ofa “jobless recovery” as the economyg continues to face structural adjustment issues that limitt the pace of growth.
percentage points in May to 85, basesd on a 1997 benchmark of 100. The relativee stability in the UO Index over the past threwe months is consistent with a pattern of economic stabilization, but falls short of a turn that woulf conclusively mark the end of the recession, said Tim Duy, director of the Oregobn Economic Forum and a UO adjuncf assistant professor, in a statement. Oregon labor market data continue tobe mixed. Initial jobless claims edged downward slightly, but remaihn at a level that suggests further declines innonfarm payrolls. initial claims remain well below the peak of December as the pace of economic deterioration hasslowed markedly.
Employment services payroll largely temporary helpagencies — fell in May, but, importantly, the rate of declined is slowing, Duy said. Nonfarm payrolls (not includesd in the index) fell by just 100 jobs durinfg May, an abrupt slowing compared to the recent It is difficult to see a substantialo improvement in thejobs picture, however, with initial claimsa remaining at high levels, Duy said. The unemploymenty rate rose to 12.4 percent. Residential housinbg permits continuedto decline, falling to just 627.
The typical seasonall boost in building activity islargely absent, a testament to persisteny weakness in the housing Builders are finding it difficult to competw in an environment of rising foreclosures and tighter underwritinv conditions for home mortgages, Duy said. The Orego n weight-distance tax reversed gains seen thepreviouds month. In contrast, new orders for nondefense nonaircraftcapital goods, adjusted for rose in May to the highest level since Decembet 2008. Despite the low levels, the relativs stability since the beginning of the year is a hopeful sign that the worst declined in business spending arebehind us, Duy U.S.
consumer confidence rose agaimin May, a further indication that consumed spending has stabilized, he added. The Orego n economy likely remained in recessionin May. That said, the pace of deterioration has slowed. The six-month annualized change in the index improves significantly over the pasttwo months, from -11.8 percentf in March to -8 perceng in May. Similar improvement signaled an impendinyg end to the2001 recession, and woul be consistent with the prediction that economic growth woulds firm in the seconc half of 2009. Still, Duy caution is warranted.
The UO Index has not yet turnedx upward, and the six-month change remainw well below rates normally consistentt witheconomic expansions, and more than half of the indes components remain below six-month ago levels. Finally, therwe is a strong possibility ofa “jobless recovery” as the economyg continues to face structural adjustment issues that limitt the pace of growth.
понедельник, 17 октября 2011 г.
Pennsylvania may offer aid to keep Harley in York - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Milwaukee, WI 53201 Dear Mr. Wandell: Thano you for taking time to speak with me yesterday regardinyg the future ofyour firm's Pennsylvania plant. I would like to reiterates two important points fromour discussion; first, how vitallh important the Harley-Davidson plant is to the regional economy of south-central Pennsylvania and, secondly, how committer I am to doinv everything in my power to ensure that your firm maintaind its presence as a major employer in that I certainly understand the impact of the currentt economic recession on your company and the difficulrt decisions that you must make to adjust to that I am hopeful that we can along with Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation, in partnership to addressd any issues that affect the competitive positioj of the York plant.
As I I am prepared to deploy all resources at my disposalo including economic development assistance for plant upgrades and infrastructurs improvements and support for worker trainin gand re-training. I view it as an importantf role ofstate government, especially in these challenging to step up and suppory our industries, particularly those whose economic impact is so significant to the For that reason, I have asked my Secretaru of Community and Economic Development, George Cornelius, to meet with your managementt team in York to gain a thoroughh understanding of the issues confronted by that facilithy so that we can identify any means of support that we can provide.
I look forward to ongoiny communications with you as we work towards the commoh goal ofmaking Harley-Davidson's York plant a productive and profitablde asset to your firm and a majod employment center in the Commonwealth of Sincerely, Edward G. Rendell Governor
Milwaukee, WI 53201 Dear Mr. Wandell: Thano you for taking time to speak with me yesterday regardinyg the future ofyour firm's Pennsylvania plant. I would like to reiterates two important points fromour discussion; first, how vitallh important the Harley-Davidson plant is to the regional economy of south-central Pennsylvania and, secondly, how committer I am to doinv everything in my power to ensure that your firm maintaind its presence as a major employer in that I certainly understand the impact of the currentt economic recession on your company and the difficulrt decisions that you must make to adjust to that I am hopeful that we can along with Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation, in partnership to addressd any issues that affect the competitive positioj of the York plant.
As I I am prepared to deploy all resources at my disposalo including economic development assistance for plant upgrades and infrastructurs improvements and support for worker trainin gand re-training. I view it as an importantf role ofstate government, especially in these challenging to step up and suppory our industries, particularly those whose economic impact is so significant to the For that reason, I have asked my Secretaru of Community and Economic Development, George Cornelius, to meet with your managementt team in York to gain a thoroughh understanding of the issues confronted by that facilithy so that we can identify any means of support that we can provide.
I look forward to ongoiny communications with you as we work towards the commoh goal ofmaking Harley-Davidson's York plant a productive and profitablde asset to your firm and a majod employment center in the Commonwealth of Sincerely, Edward G. Rendell Governor
суббота, 15 октября 2011 г.
Judge: Court won
Senators have performed no officia l business in the eight days sincer the surprise uprising that Republicans led onJune 8. Two Democratsw joined all 30 Republicans tooust Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-Queens) as majority leader. The dizzying events since then have shut down the Control of the chamber remains up inthe air; the bipartisan group of and remaining Democrats, each say they controk the Senate. Whoever gains control will decide the fate of an arra y of billsand hot-button political issues. • On June 15, Sen. Hiram Monserrate (D-Queens) left the coalition and rejoinec Democrats. Now, the Senate is evenly dividedr between 31 coalition members and31 Democrats.
Smith is no longer the top Democrayt inthe Senate. Sen. John Sampson (D-Brooklyn) is the party’sz leader, running day-to-day operations while Smith retaine the title ofmajority leader, Democrats says. Republicans balked at an initial Democraticc proposal fora power-sharing proposal to run the Senate througn the end of the legislative session, scheduled for June 22. Aftee the surprise June 8 the bipartisan groupnamed Sen. Pedro Espadq Jr. (D-Bronx) as the Senate’s temporary president. Democratas say the vote was illegal because they say that they had gaveledx the session to a closer before itwas held.
A courtr order issued last week had preventefd Espada from assuming the dutied oftemporary president, which include becoming acting governor if Gov. David Patersobn leaves the state orbecomees incapacitated. On June 16, state Supreme Couryt Judge Thomas McNamara dismissed a lawsuit that Smith filedc against Espada over control of the He ordered Republicans and Democrats to resolv the matter ontheir own, writing that it would be an “improvident intrusion” if the judicial branch imposedr a solution upon the legislative “To have a court do so would be improper,” McNamar a wrote.
“The question calls for a solutioj by the members of thestate Senate, utilizinfg the art of negotiation and compromise. “Thre failure of the Senate to resolve this issue in an appropriatde manner will make them answerable to the McNamara added. Democrats say they will not appeal the Espada and Republicans praise dthe ruling. “There is no longer any excusr for 31 Senate Democrats to boycottf session and refuse to come to the Senate chamberf today and dotheir jobs,” said Sen. Dean Skeloa (R-Rockland County), who is the coalition’d majority leader. “This should bring to an end to Sen. Smith’x fruitless attempts to undo a legal Espada added.
So far, the two partied have not agreedto anything. Democrats initiallg locked theSenate shut, preventing the coalition from holdinb an official legislative On June 15, Democrats suggested that a six-personb committee decide what legislation will be voted on. The committee woulfd be made of three Republicans andthree Democrats. Also, those in chargd of the chamber would alternatd each day between thetwo parties. Democrats won a 32-3 0 majority in the November 2008 Espada remains a but is choosing to vote withthe chamber’sw 30 Republicans. Now, neitherr side has a quorum, so no Senate businessx can be conducted withouft bothsides present.
Under the state constitution, the lieutenantg governor has the power to brea k tie votes inthe Senate. The state has no lieutenanft governorright now; that’s the positiohn Gov. David Paterson vacated to succeedformer Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigne in March 2008. The constitution does not outlinse any process for replacing a lieutenant The coalition had scheduled a session for June 16 at3 p.m.
Senators have performed no officia l business in the eight days sincer the surprise uprising that Republicans led onJune 8. Two Democratsw joined all 30 Republicans tooust Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-Queens) as majority leader. The dizzying events since then have shut down the Control of the chamber remains up inthe air; the bipartisan group of and remaining Democrats, each say they controk the Senate. Whoever gains control will decide the fate of an arra y of billsand hot-button political issues. • On June 15, Sen. Hiram Monserrate (D-Queens) left the coalition and rejoinec Democrats. Now, the Senate is evenly dividedr between 31 coalition members and31 Democrats.
Smith is no longer the top Democrayt inthe Senate. Sen. John Sampson (D-Brooklyn) is the party’sz leader, running day-to-day operations while Smith retaine the title ofmajority leader, Democrats says. Republicans balked at an initial Democraticc proposal fora power-sharing proposal to run the Senate througn the end of the legislative session, scheduled for June 22. Aftee the surprise June 8 the bipartisan groupnamed Sen. Pedro Espadq Jr. (D-Bronx) as the Senate’s temporary president. Democratas say the vote was illegal because they say that they had gaveledx the session to a closer before itwas held.
A courtr order issued last week had preventefd Espada from assuming the dutied oftemporary president, which include becoming acting governor if Gov. David Patersobn leaves the state orbecomees incapacitated. On June 16, state Supreme Couryt Judge Thomas McNamara dismissed a lawsuit that Smith filedc against Espada over control of the He ordered Republicans and Democrats to resolv the matter ontheir own, writing that it would be an “improvident intrusion” if the judicial branch imposedr a solution upon the legislative “To have a court do so would be improper,” McNamar a wrote.
“The question calls for a solutioj by the members of thestate Senate, utilizinfg the art of negotiation and compromise. “Thre failure of the Senate to resolve this issue in an appropriatde manner will make them answerable to the McNamara added. Democrats say they will not appeal the Espada and Republicans praise dthe ruling. “There is no longer any excusr for 31 Senate Democrats to boycottf session and refuse to come to the Senate chamberf today and dotheir jobs,” said Sen. Dean Skeloa (R-Rockland County), who is the coalition’d majority leader. “This should bring to an end to Sen. Smith’x fruitless attempts to undo a legal Espada added.
So far, the two partied have not agreedto anything. Democrats initiallg locked theSenate shut, preventing the coalition from holdinb an official legislative On June 15, Democrats suggested that a six-personb committee decide what legislation will be voted on. The committee woulfd be made of three Republicans andthree Democrats. Also, those in chargd of the chamber would alternatd each day between thetwo parties. Democrats won a 32-3 0 majority in the November 2008 Espada remains a but is choosing to vote withthe chamber’sw 30 Republicans. Now, neitherr side has a quorum, so no Senate businessx can be conducted withouft bothsides present.
Under the state constitution, the lieutenantg governor has the power to brea k tie votes inthe Senate. The state has no lieutenanft governorright now; that’s the positiohn Gov. David Paterson vacated to succeedformer Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigne in March 2008. The constitution does not outlinse any process for replacing a lieutenant The coalition had scheduled a session for June 16 at3 p.m.
четверг, 13 октября 2011 г.
Jacobs makes trio of announcements - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The contract might involve servicezs related to the reconstruction of New Orleanse resulting fromHurricane Katrina. The joinft venture contract has a base period of no more than one year andfour one-year option periods, for a total value of no more than $90 Jacobs is responsible for approximately 15 percen of the work as a minorityy joint venture partner. Jacobs will expand its role at 'ds refinery in Whiting, Ind., to include construction managementy services related to the Whiting RefineryyModernization Project. The program will bettefr equip the refinery to process more Canadian heavy crude oil and increasee motorfuel production.
Jacobs' portionb of the program focuse s on the sulfurrecovery complex. Terms of the deal were not Jacobs has closed on the purchasre ofa one-third stake of AWEML. Terms of the deal were not Jacobs purchased the stake from British NuclearFuels Ltd. AWEML is a joint venture betweenn Jacobs, Lockheed Martin and Serco to manage the Atomicx Weapons Establishment on behalf ofthe U.K. Ministry of Pasadena-based Jacobs (NYSE: JEC) is a providerf of technical, professional, and construction services.
The contract might involve servicezs related to the reconstruction of New Orleanse resulting fromHurricane Katrina. The joinft venture contract has a base period of no more than one year andfour one-year option periods, for a total value of no more than $90 Jacobs is responsible for approximately 15 percen of the work as a minorityy joint venture partner. Jacobs will expand its role at 'ds refinery in Whiting, Ind., to include construction managementy services related to the Whiting RefineryyModernization Project. The program will bettefr equip the refinery to process more Canadian heavy crude oil and increasee motorfuel production.
Jacobs' portionb of the program focuse s on the sulfurrecovery complex. Terms of the deal were not Jacobs has closed on the purchasre ofa one-third stake of AWEML. Terms of the deal were not Jacobs purchased the stake from British NuclearFuels Ltd. AWEML is a joint venture betweenn Jacobs, Lockheed Martin and Serco to manage the Atomicx Weapons Establishment on behalf ofthe U.K. Ministry of Pasadena-based Jacobs (NYSE: JEC) is a providerf of technical, professional, and construction services.
вторник, 11 октября 2011 г.
Companies with Kentucky ties make Fortune list - Business First of Louisville:
The list is based on the publication's evaluation of the policiess and culture of each company and the opinionx ofthe company's own Two-thirds of the total score is basedf on employee responses to a surveyy created by the Great Place to Work Institute in San The survey asked about thinga such as attitudes toward job satisfaction and At No. 39 on the list is Ohio-based , which operates a facilitu in Scottsville, Ky., that employss 277 workers. What makes working therse great? "Smucker brothers Tim and Richardencourage face-to-facee communication to preserve a unique culture," Fortune At No. 55 is Midland, Mich.-based , whichj employs 396 workers in Ky.
"Women excel at this specialty-chemical holding 45 percent of top executive slots and 26 percenty ofmanagerial positions, including CIO Abbe Mulders and CEO Stephaniee Burns," Fortune said. , Iowa-basedf door and window maker Pella, No. 59 on the employs 936 workersin Murray, Ky. "Nearly 1,2090 employees have more than 20 yearzsof service," Fortune said. At No. 78 is Stratham, N.H.-base , which employs 134 workers in Danville, Ky. "Workers are encouragede to give back at All staff can devote 40 hours per year of paid time off to and now up to 30 employees can spendr two to three weeks a year to help withdisaster relief," Fortune said.
The list is based on the publication's evaluation of the policiess and culture of each company and the opinionx ofthe company's own Two-thirds of the total score is basedf on employee responses to a surveyy created by the Great Place to Work Institute in San The survey asked about thinga such as attitudes toward job satisfaction and At No. 39 on the list is Ohio-based , which operates a facilitu in Scottsville, Ky., that employss 277 workers. What makes working therse great? "Smucker brothers Tim and Richardencourage face-to-facee communication to preserve a unique culture," Fortune At No. 55 is Midland, Mich.-based , whichj employs 396 workers in Ky.
"Women excel at this specialty-chemical holding 45 percent of top executive slots and 26 percenty ofmanagerial positions, including CIO Abbe Mulders and CEO Stephaniee Burns," Fortune said. , Iowa-basedf door and window maker Pella, No. 59 on the employs 936 workersin Murray, Ky. "Nearly 1,2090 employees have more than 20 yearzsof service," Fortune said. At No. 78 is Stratham, N.H.-base , which employs 134 workers in Danville, Ky. "Workers are encouragede to give back at All staff can devote 40 hours per year of paid time off to and now up to 30 employees can spendr two to three weeks a year to help withdisaster relief," Fortune said.
воскресенье, 9 октября 2011 г.
Indiana's mistake prove costly in 41-20 loss - The Associated Press | Indiana's mistake prove costly in 41-20 loss The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS (AP) â" Indiana coach Kevin Wilson spent » |
пятница, 7 октября 2011 г.
New York Italian restaurant among newcomers to Congress Ave. - Austin Business Journal:
Mastrangelo is busy renovating a historic storefront at 908 Congress Avenuwe where later thissummer he’ll open Quattro the second location of his family’s famous Manhattan “I’m a passionate person and I’m very passionatw about food,” Mastrangelo said. “Pretty much my wholr life revolvesaround that. And when I came to I felt that this was a city that appreciatewsgood food, food that someone puts their hearr and soul into.” Quattro Gatti isn’t the only culinart newcomer of late to downtowmn Congress.
Just steps away, the people behind local favorite El Chile have reworke d the space they opened last fall as El That initial concept offered breakfasrt andlunch but, based on demand, the owners recentluy turned it into another El Chilew Café y Cantina, serving lunch and dinner and featuring a full bar. And a few blockss south at 319 AppleAnnies Café co-owners Love Nance and Sherry Jameson are debuting Annies, a dramatically expanded reimagining of their 25-year-ole restaurant. The bistro-themed eatery that now includes a full bar will be open dail from7 a.m. to 2 a.m., servingy customers everything from organic breakfast omeletse to late night meatloaf in achic space.
the new restaurants are adding to the culture change at work on The DowntownAustin Alliance, the landlords and other groups are collaborating in an ongoin effort to bring more retail and restaurants to downtown’s main The goal: a 24/7 Congress alive with commerce and servinhg as a model for the rest of Indeed it was Linda Asaf, the DAA’a retail recruiter, who helped secure Quattrok Gatti for Austin. Asaf ate at the Uppere East Side restaurant—one of her favorites—o n a trip to New York last year and spoke with owner Remo Mastrangelo abouyt the possibility of coming to Remo Mastrangelo, Gianfranco’s father, started Quattrk Gatti in 1985.
The neighborhood-oriented restauranrt is hailed by critics as one of the best of its kind in New According toZagat “the leisurely meals with treat-you-like-family service make this old-line Upper East Side Italianm feel like home to many. There’s a reason it’s been there supporters say the food’s fantastic.” Earlier this year, the Mastrangeloe began giving serious considerationto Austin. They came down togethe r and scouted spaces, agreeing that the Congress locatiob would be a greaf fit forthe concept.
“We had alwaysd heard good things about Austiin and we immediately had a good impressiomn ofthe city,” said Gianfranco Mastrangelo, who recently relocated Mastrangelo said if all goes as the 2,000-square-foot Quattro Gatt i in Austin will be open by late July for lunc h and dinner. Because of his own passiohn for pizza, Mastrangelo said the restaurantf will have a large brick ovenfor wood-fired Other plates, like the traditional fish and meat dishes made famous at the New York restaurant will also be on the Prices should range from abou $13 to the mid-$20s.
Mastrangelo is busy renovating a historic storefront at 908 Congress Avenuwe where later thissummer he’ll open Quattro the second location of his family’s famous Manhattan “I’m a passionate person and I’m very passionatw about food,” Mastrangelo said. “Pretty much my wholr life revolvesaround that. And when I came to I felt that this was a city that appreciatewsgood food, food that someone puts their hearr and soul into.” Quattro Gatti isn’t the only culinart newcomer of late to downtowmn Congress.
Just steps away, the people behind local favorite El Chile have reworke d the space they opened last fall as El That initial concept offered breakfasrt andlunch but, based on demand, the owners recentluy turned it into another El Chilew Café y Cantina, serving lunch and dinner and featuring a full bar. And a few blockss south at 319 AppleAnnies Café co-owners Love Nance and Sherry Jameson are debuting Annies, a dramatically expanded reimagining of their 25-year-ole restaurant. The bistro-themed eatery that now includes a full bar will be open dail from7 a.m. to 2 a.m., servingy customers everything from organic breakfast omeletse to late night meatloaf in achic space.
the new restaurants are adding to the culture change at work on The DowntownAustin Alliance, the landlords and other groups are collaborating in an ongoin effort to bring more retail and restaurants to downtown’s main The goal: a 24/7 Congress alive with commerce and servinhg as a model for the rest of Indeed it was Linda Asaf, the DAA’a retail recruiter, who helped secure Quattrok Gatti for Austin. Asaf ate at the Uppere East Side restaurant—one of her favorites—o n a trip to New York last year and spoke with owner Remo Mastrangelo abouyt the possibility of coming to Remo Mastrangelo, Gianfranco’s father, started Quattrk Gatti in 1985.
The neighborhood-oriented restauranrt is hailed by critics as one of the best of its kind in New According toZagat “the leisurely meals with treat-you-like-family service make this old-line Upper East Side Italianm feel like home to many. There’s a reason it’s been there supporters say the food’s fantastic.” Earlier this year, the Mastrangeloe began giving serious considerationto Austin. They came down togethe r and scouted spaces, agreeing that the Congress locatiob would be a greaf fit forthe concept.
“We had alwaysd heard good things about Austiin and we immediately had a good impressiomn ofthe city,” said Gianfranco Mastrangelo, who recently relocated Mastrangelo said if all goes as the 2,000-square-foot Quattro Gatt i in Austin will be open by late July for lunc h and dinner. Because of his own passiohn for pizza, Mastrangelo said the restaurantf will have a large brick ovenfor wood-fired Other plates, like the traditional fish and meat dishes made famous at the New York restaurant will also be on the Prices should range from abou $13 to the mid-$20s.
среда, 5 октября 2011 г.
Water legislation would open door to sweeping shift in N.C. - Sacramento Business Journal:
North Carolina lawmakers are considering a sweeping new systekm of water regulations that would require price permits for big users while establishing supplg budgets for communities inthe state’sw 17 river basins. The proposed Water Resource Policyt Act of 2009 has been prompted by a pair of epic droughts — from 1998 to 2002 and from 2005 to 2008 that strained the state’s supply. Planners expec the state population to grow to 12 million in 2030 fromthe 8.5 milliohn recorded in 2004.
But preventive measures againsty future shortages are nearly impossiblew because North Carolina regulators lack critical In short, no one knows the true size of the state’xs water supply today, much less what will be availablw tomorrow. The proposed act is movingb through the state legislature as Senate Bill907 (and as companiohn legislation House Bill 1101). It includes provisionz that call for scientific modeling ofNorth Carolina’xs water resources in lakes and aquifers. Water planning organizations would be createdx for each ofthe state’x rivers.
And, if the measure is approved, North Carolina’es existing statues on water use woulx be consolidated to conform to thenew law. “Ww don’t have a comprehensive set of policy now. It’s just bits and says Sen. Dan Clodfelter (D-Mecklenburg), the bill’s primary sponsor. “We’re lagging behind otherd parts ofthe country.” Annual permits would be requirede for users that pull more than 100,000 gallonsx of water during a 24-hour period directly from a naturalk source — whether it’s a river or a well. Application costs ranger from $250 to $5,000o and yearly fees could be $750 to A recent fiscal study of the bill estimatesabout $4.
7 million could be generated from the applicationa for 1,500 permits in the first year of the new That includes submissions from the two industried that withdraw most of the water in the Energy companies and water utilitiees account for 92% of the water pulled from Northh Carolina rivers. Of that, public water supplies accounr for just a tenth of the The bulk of water use in the Catawba Rive isby , which is dependantg on the river to cool its nuclear reactors and poweer its hydroelectric dams.
“Thizs bill remains in the early stages of the legislative proceszs and Duke Energy will stay engaged in discussionz around this bill and be an activd participant in thelegislativw process,” says Jason Walls, a spokesman for the Charlotte-basec energy giant. “Sound water management strategy shouldinclude supply-side demand-side programs and drought programs,” Walls “Any river basin planning efforts should complement existing best practices and include effective stakeholder collaboratiohn efforts.” Duke’s use of the Catawba River is overseen by the .
An applicatiomn for a new, 50-year license for Duke’s 11 reservoirws and 13 facilities alongthe bi-state river is pending and has drawn recent controversy. S.C. Attorney Generalp Henry McMaster filed to intervene in the FERC processdlast month, arguing that Duke uses flawecd scientific models to predict droughts. The FERC filings are the latesty salvo in a simmering battle betweej the states over water South Carolina has a pending lawsuitg beforethe U.S. Supremde Court that contends North Carolina takes more than its fair shar e out ofthe Catawba. Clodfelter says state policies for wateer supply can help prevent courthouse conflictsw overshared resources. And it couldr pre-empt the U.
S. Supreme Court from ruling on how the Carolinasshare water, he adds. “They tend to be disinclined to step in and make the decisionm themselves if they seethe state’zs working it out on its own.” Regulations affecting large water users are already in place in 20 stated on the East Coast. Only North Carolina, Soutb Carolina and Alabama have nosuch rules. “The Carolinas are behind in water saysAmy Pickle, a senioe attorney with the Nicholas Institute for Environmentalk Policy Solutions at , whicnh worked on a water allocatiojn study for the state. “Now is a good time to make the transitioh to a more orderly waterwithdrawal policy.
North Carolina lawmakers are considering a sweeping new systekm of water regulations that would require price permits for big users while establishing supplg budgets for communities inthe state’sw 17 river basins. The proposed Water Resource Policyt Act of 2009 has been prompted by a pair of epic droughts — from 1998 to 2002 and from 2005 to 2008 that strained the state’s supply. Planners expec the state population to grow to 12 million in 2030 fromthe 8.5 milliohn recorded in 2004.
But preventive measures againsty future shortages are nearly impossiblew because North Carolina regulators lack critical In short, no one knows the true size of the state’xs water supply today, much less what will be availablw tomorrow. The proposed act is movingb through the state legislature as Senate Bill907 (and as companiohn legislation House Bill 1101). It includes provisionz that call for scientific modeling ofNorth Carolina’xs water resources in lakes and aquifers. Water planning organizations would be createdx for each ofthe state’x rivers.
And, if the measure is approved, North Carolina’es existing statues on water use woulx be consolidated to conform to thenew law. “Ww don’t have a comprehensive set of policy now. It’s just bits and says Sen. Dan Clodfelter (D-Mecklenburg), the bill’s primary sponsor. “We’re lagging behind otherd parts ofthe country.” Annual permits would be requirede for users that pull more than 100,000 gallonsx of water during a 24-hour period directly from a naturalk source — whether it’s a river or a well. Application costs ranger from $250 to $5,000o and yearly fees could be $750 to A recent fiscal study of the bill estimatesabout $4.
7 million could be generated from the applicationa for 1,500 permits in the first year of the new That includes submissions from the two industried that withdraw most of the water in the Energy companies and water utilitiees account for 92% of the water pulled from Northh Carolina rivers. Of that, public water supplies accounr for just a tenth of the The bulk of water use in the Catawba Rive isby , which is dependantg on the river to cool its nuclear reactors and poweer its hydroelectric dams.
“Thizs bill remains in the early stages of the legislative proceszs and Duke Energy will stay engaged in discussionz around this bill and be an activd participant in thelegislativw process,” says Jason Walls, a spokesman for the Charlotte-basec energy giant. “Sound water management strategy shouldinclude supply-side demand-side programs and drought programs,” Walls “Any river basin planning efforts should complement existing best practices and include effective stakeholder collaboratiohn efforts.” Duke’s use of the Catawba River is overseen by the .
An applicatiomn for a new, 50-year license for Duke’s 11 reservoirws and 13 facilities alongthe bi-state river is pending and has drawn recent controversy. S.C. Attorney Generalp Henry McMaster filed to intervene in the FERC processdlast month, arguing that Duke uses flawecd scientific models to predict droughts. The FERC filings are the latesty salvo in a simmering battle betweej the states over water South Carolina has a pending lawsuitg beforethe U.S. Supremde Court that contends North Carolina takes more than its fair shar e out ofthe Catawba. Clodfelter says state policies for wateer supply can help prevent courthouse conflictsw overshared resources. And it couldr pre-empt the U.
S. Supreme Court from ruling on how the Carolinasshare water, he adds. “They tend to be disinclined to step in and make the decisionm themselves if they seethe state’zs working it out on its own.” Regulations affecting large water users are already in place in 20 stated on the East Coast. Only North Carolina, Soutb Carolina and Alabama have nosuch rules. “The Carolinas are behind in water saysAmy Pickle, a senioe attorney with the Nicholas Institute for Environmentalk Policy Solutions at , whicnh worked on a water allocatiojn study for the state. “Now is a good time to make the transitioh to a more orderly waterwithdrawal policy.
воскресенье, 2 октября 2011 г.
Local online magazine competes for readers and advertisers - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
In a market already saturated withglossy magazines, they'ree turning to innovative events and partnershipsx to set themselves apart from the average Web site or Local startups, such as the recently launchedf , follow traditional print magazinesd in terms of content and visual style but differ in that they are not printed and can be found only on the Web. Revenuez are based on advertisinyg dollars, not subscriptions. Malid Moran, who previously worked in public relationsz andevent planning, launched Hawaii Red Magazine in April, targeting Hawaii's small-businese community.
Her goal is to deliver fast information through a medium that takes advantage of theaverage reader's changing Since online magazines put all theirr content on the Web, it takes the guesswork out of whethe some stories or photoas were left off a Web site and saved strictly for the printy edition, as is the case with most othee publications. "I guess it's the 'fix'' you get from a magazine -- info, entertainment," Moran said. "It's the same producgt as a regular magazine, except you are not holding something. Instead [you're] looking at a laptop, an iPhone, etc.
, and we also can providre linkingand video, so the 'fix' give s you a little bit of TV and movire elements and the enjoyment and freedom of being Moran said Hawaii Red'd Web site generates 100,000 hits a But the competition for advertisers is An estimated 20 new print magazines launched in Hawaii last year alone. Most are nichew publications that run the gamut from weddings and fashiohn to pets and mixedmartial arts. But Moran said she doesn't know of othedr competing online magazines in She contends that online magazines can easil y add links to theier advertisers to track customers and referralss more clearly than printmagazines can. To stay Moran markets through events.
Hawaii Red hosts about three a montg at local hot spots and nightclubw with the help of partners suchas , IMF Pacific Network and Skeeo Creative. "I thinl we're lucky because we came in at arightf time," she said. Hawaii Red has a staf f of nine people who allmaintain full-time jobs in fashion, photography or graphic There is no need for office space, which cuts down on Moran said. Nationally, well-established online magazined include Salon and both of whichpublish general-interest news, culture and
In a market already saturated withglossy magazines, they'ree turning to innovative events and partnershipsx to set themselves apart from the average Web site or Local startups, such as the recently launchedf , follow traditional print magazinesd in terms of content and visual style but differ in that they are not printed and can be found only on the Web. Revenuez are based on advertisinyg dollars, not subscriptions. Malid Moran, who previously worked in public relationsz andevent planning, launched Hawaii Red Magazine in April, targeting Hawaii's small-businese community.
Her goal is to deliver fast information through a medium that takes advantage of theaverage reader's changing Since online magazines put all theirr content on the Web, it takes the guesswork out of whethe some stories or photoas were left off a Web site and saved strictly for the printy edition, as is the case with most othee publications. "I guess it's the 'fix'' you get from a magazine -- info, entertainment," Moran said. "It's the same producgt as a regular magazine, except you are not holding something. Instead [you're] looking at a laptop, an iPhone, etc.
, and we also can providre linkingand video, so the 'fix' give s you a little bit of TV and movire elements and the enjoyment and freedom of being Moran said Hawaii Red'd Web site generates 100,000 hits a But the competition for advertisers is An estimated 20 new print magazines launched in Hawaii last year alone. Most are nichew publications that run the gamut from weddings and fashiohn to pets and mixedmartial arts. But Moran said she doesn't know of othedr competing online magazines in She contends that online magazines can easil y add links to theier advertisers to track customers and referralss more clearly than printmagazines can. To stay Moran markets through events.
Hawaii Red hosts about three a montg at local hot spots and nightclubw with the help of partners suchas , IMF Pacific Network and Skeeo Creative. "I thinl we're lucky because we came in at arightf time," she said. Hawaii Red has a staf f of nine people who allmaintain full-time jobs in fashion, photography or graphic There is no need for office space, which cuts down on Moran said. Nationally, well-established online magazined include Salon and both of whichpublish general-interest news, culture and
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