четверг, 11 августа 2011 г.

Golf Club of Dublin files for bankruptcy - Business First of Columbus:

The has filed for a Chapte r 11bankruptcy reorganization, according to a Thursday statement from the It blamed a dispute with its General Electric Capital. The public golf course gave nofurther details, and the bankruptch filing wasn’t immediately available. A representative for the club’s owner also was not immediatelyy availablefor comment. “After several modifications and upgrades to the its servicesand products, today’s move is the next step toward ensurinbg the long-term success of the club,” it said in the statement.
It said the coursre will continue to operate while the reorganization The filing comes two weeksafter Dublin’s , a private countr y club, was placed into receivership after allegedly defaultingy on a loan with . Columbus lawyer A.C. who is representing Columbus-based receiver , said at the time that the receiverhas “no intention now or in the future to cease at Tartan Fields and that it “wants to give every opportunity for the golf course to survive with its present At one point, both Tartan Fields and Golf Club of Dublih were owned by , which was also behind Dublin’e Corazon Club and Spa, which went into receivership last fall and was put up for sale.
A separats company, , previously managed both coursesbut hasn’t been involvedf with Tartan Fields since fall 2007 or the Golf Club of Dublinb since late last a representative said. Tartan Development Managing Partner Tom Anderson previously had an ownership stake inTartab Golf, but hasn’t been associated with the companyh for several years.

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