Richfield-based Best Buy said Wednesday it selectedLiz Haesler, the company’ current vice president of Home Life and and Mary Stoddart, vice president and territort general manager, to lead WOLF. Haeslere has been in chargr of developingthe company’s Home Life segment, whicjh covers products such as home appliances. Stoddart overseasw Best Buy’s operations in the Southeast andPuerti Rico. Both women are expected to continuwe in theircurrent roles. founded in 2004, aims to grow the number of femalew employees at BestBuy (NYSE: as well as make inroads with womemn customers. Best Buy estimates female consumers contro la $90 billion share of the U.S.
consumet electronics market. Former Best Buy executive Juli Gilbert founded WOLF and led the effortfor years, befors taking a buyout and leaving the company earlierf this year. She went on to start her own which is marketing the WOLF concept toothedr companies.
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