суббота, 7 мая 2011 г.

Union calls on Kaleida to reverse decision - Business First of Buffalo:

Kaleida this week announced plans to eliminatw four programs offered at Womemnand Children’s Hospital in Buffalo: The Early Childhoodr Program, Therapeutic Preschool Program, Early Intervention Evaluations, and Therapeutic Aquativc Swim Program. The programs, many designed for children with disabilities, have been offerede for nearly40 years. Kaleida says the programas were losing upwardsof $900,000 Those losses, combined with millions of dollarz in state budget cuts make continuing the programs Additionally, at that at the time when these program were started, there were no other regional providers. That’s no longed the case. Leaders from 1199 is urgintg Kaleidato reconsider.
In a preparesd release, special education teacher Norm Kohn callef it the only program of its kind inErie “This closure would impact hundredss of children with special needs, especially those enrolleds in the Therapeutic Aquatic Swim Program,” he said. The unionh hopes to work with Kaleida, staff and the community to save thepreschooll programs.

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