The owners, Chef Paul Parker and wife Cheryk Clark, plan to move their familu to a farm and vineyarfdin Montaud, in the south of France. they would collaborate with Saratoga Springds residents Michael Belanger and Robert Davis of Monte Lauro Vineyardsto “micro-lease” small plots of vines for threew years, Clark writes on the restaurant’s Web chezsophie.com. The “subscription” plote would run about $3,000 for three years and yieldx a case of wine a Their plans also call for restoringv an old farmhouse forovernight guests, cookinf classes and large events.
“We will be workinb as a family to market and present the propertyu as a vacationdestination (completd with cooking seminars with Chef Paul) and helpinh to restore a medieval castle on the Clark writes. Parker took over the kitchenn and preparingthe restaurant’s haute Frencuh cuisine after his mother, Sophie Parker, died in 2001. Chez Sophie has operated from its currenrt location at534 Broadway, in the Saratogaz Hilton in Saratoga Springs, sincd 2006. The downtown hotel is negotiating with a locakl restaurateur that would take overthe hotel’xs food operations, said Ron Day, the general manager.
Like Chez the new operator wouldeserve breakfast, lunch and dinner, and provide room servicee for in-house guests. “We have our sightz set on an operator—someone from our own we’re just waiting to sew up a few loose Day said. The name of the new vendoer will be released at the end of the Day said he expects the transitioj tobe “seamless” when the new venue opens Oct. 1. Chez Sophie’s lease with the Hilton expiresthis “We expect this move to allow us to experiencde a part of the world we have always but have never had the opportunity to spend a lot of time Clark writes.
Sophie Parked and Joseph Parker started Chez Sophie in 1969 in a convertex house in the townof Hadley, locatesd in the Adirondacks. In the mid-1970s, the restaurant moverd to downtownSaratoga Springs. Ten years it moved back to Hadley for one then back toSaratogza Springs. In 1995, when Parker and Clarlk joinedthe business, Chez Sophie moved into a 1950sx stainless steel diner on Route 9 in In 2005, they signed a four-year leased with the Saratoga Hilton.
Clarj writes that the couple willoffer “tremendous as they reduce their 6,000-bottle wine cellar over the
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