четверг, 22 сентября 2011 г.

Perry calls special session - Austin Business Journal:

According to a news release from Perry’sz office, legislation to tackle during the special session includethe following: Extending the existence of the five state agencies, subjecr to sunset review, that will otherwise be abolished withoug legislative action. Those agencies include the , , , and Allowing TxDOT to issue general obligation which have been approvedby voters, for highwayg improvement projects and for the creation, financinb and administration of a Texas Transportation Revolving Fund “to provide financiao assistance for transportation projects.
” • Extendin g the authority of TxDOTr and a regional mobility authority to use comprehensive development agreementsx to design, finance, buil and maintain transportation infrastructure. “After speaking with legislators,” Perrh said, I” am calling a special session to extend the operation of five critical agencies and help reduces gridlock by continuing to provide options for financintour state’s highways.
” Perry noteds that legislation during the regulafr session provided tax cuts to small businessez and increased financial aid for college While speaking at a luncheob Wednesday afternoon, Perry quippeds that he hoped the speciap session would only take “three or four and then we can all enjoy our summer.”

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