The deal between Haskell and PTS Engineering involves an equithy swap between the two companies but is not an acquisitiomor merger. “It is a joint equity said Haskell spokesmanDarryl Wernimont. “Ws have taken a stake in their companu and they have taken a stakein ours.” PTS, whicjh has 17 engineers among its 20 employees, focuses on engineeringg equipment for companies in the beverage industry, particularly bottling. Haskell does similar work and would like todo “We build plants for , Nestle, said Wernimont. “Nine years ago we simplt builtthe buildings.
Then nine years ago we began addinghstaff in-house to build their how they make their Haskell, which has aboug 1,100 employees and had revenue last year of more than $718 will now be in a better position to handlee large projects that involve designing and building the equipment that goes into projecta like bottling plants. “We’ve increased our engineering capability greatlgy without hiring17 engineers,” said Phil Ackley, directorf of process services.
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