воскресенье, 8 января 2012 г.

AT&T to offer mini laptops in stores - South Florida Business Journal:

The 3G mini laptops are a naturap extension ofthe company’s growing line of mobile devicesd and are designed to give AT&T customers an opportunit y to carry around lightweight computers that allow them to check e-mail and revieqw and edit documents while on the move. In the mini laptop is being touted as a convenient tool to use when dealinbg withdigital files, photos and music downloads. The concepg is to keep customeres worldwide connected to where they liveand Dallas-based AT&T (NYSE: T) said. The expanded lineup of embedded productw will feature mini laptops by either Dellor Lenovo.
The laptops will be offered at morethan 2,2090 AT&T-owned retail stores and via the company’ds Web site. “Sleek, mobile and fast is all the rage and we’re going to answerr that call with a lineup of the hottest mini laptopw in the market,” said Ralph de la president and CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets. “Pairing these laptopsw with AT&T’s home broadband, Wi-Fu and the nation’s fastest 3G network enables consumeraand small-business customers to get the most from their new deviceds — at home, in the office and on the AT&T began testing the public’s interest in 3G mini laptopse by launching a small rollout in retail storezs in April.

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